A spiritual daybook

Your spiritual daybook can help you grow closer to Jesus. Here is a suggestion:

Start with the Sign of the Cross

Say: Jesus, I praise You for your Greatness, I thank You for all your help and I love You above all else.

Say a morning prayer,
and some prayers from these basic prayers.

For something to think about during the day
use a passage from the Bible... or click here... for a reflection for the day.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon
In His revelations to Sister Faustina, Jesus asked for special daily remembrance at the hour He died for us on the cross.

At three in the afternoon, implore my mercy, especially for sinners; and if only for a brief moment immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of my agony:

This is the hour of great mercy for the whole world. I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion. (Diary entry of Sister Faustina)

During the day... recite the rosaryor say the rosary online.

Give thanks before meals.

At night... look over your day and say an evening prayer

and the Devotion to the Sacred Heart ... which praises God and recognizes His Power and asks for His Blessings.

Bring all your problems to Jesus and ask for his guidance and help. Ask Him to bless those who are hurting – the sick, the unemployed, the broken families, etc.

End with words of thanks, praise and love.

Family members can pray with you. This is a shared experience most children love and will always remember.

Once a week during Quiet Time, review your behavior.

Daily awareness

Make a note in your spiritual daybook to ask the Holy Spirit to make you aware of others and how you may be able to help them.

We can be so caught up in our own problems that we don't see what is happening to those around us, including family. When we are told bad news, our response is, "I didn't realize."

It isn't just about giving money. Helpful and encouraging words have a lot of mileage.

In a situation where you can sense a need, silently ask the Lord how you can help the person.

Do you bring others closer to God, by your example?

More ways to help you pray

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