The problem of addiction

Addiction is a major problem in our world. Many addicts refuse to admit that they have a problem.

People with multiple convictions for drunk driving deny that they are alcoholics. This would require changing their behavior, which they seem unwilling or unable to do.

An addict is still accountable for their actions. They have an obligation to “strive” to change.

If a person’s behavior:

  • presents a danger to their health, their job or their good reputation,
  • leads to a life built on lies and cover-up,
  • harms those they love: spouse, children, parents or friends,
then they have a habit that is destroying their life.


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Stop and think... about addiction

This free ebook gives practical advice on how to deal with an addiction problem

It is a free 36-page booklet
Find this free download here

Addicts are not proud of their lies and cover-ups, their betrayal of family and friends, or their lack of self-control. Deep down they do not feel good about themselves.

Quiet Time with Our Lord offers them healing and hope for deliverance from their addiction.

They discover the life-changing truth that they are children of God and their Father loves them no matter what has happened in their lives.


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