A way to pray for help
Here is a way to pray that works
Find a place where you will not be disturbed
Stand, sit or kneel; it doesn't matter
Relax your body by listening to your breathing
Get started
Bless yourself with the Sign of the Cross... you are now in the presence of Jesus
- Pray: "Jesus, I praise You for your Greatness, I thank You for all your help and I love You above all else"
Tell Jesus your problem
- Say, "Jesus please help me," and get to your problem
- Don't hold anything back... Jesus comes as a healer, not as a judge
Trust Jesus to answer your prayer
- Leave the problem with Jesus... He loves you and
He will help you
- He will answer in a way and at a time that is best for you
Say the Our Father... the words will strengthen your faith in God's power to help you
Be at peace in the presence of your Lord
Close your prayer
- Say a prayer for other people with problems
Be thankful... Jesus is Lord and He has promised to help you
- End with, "Jesus I love you. Thank you for helping me."
God help me >
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