Finding happiness in an unhappy world

Finding happiness is not always easy

Many people are not happy. They are not sure about the purpose and meaning of their lives. They sense something is missing.

And many others know the pain of

  • family break-ups
  • health and money problems
  • loneliness
  • addiction--alcohol, prescription drugs, shopping, Internet porn, illegal drugs, gambling

Do you want a happier life?

Happiness doesn't mean there won't be some rain in your life. It does mean that there is inner peace and joy in your heart.

You can have big problems and still be happy... a loving personal relationship with Jesus will help you handle these problems.

Prayer for the zest of living

Heavenly Father,
no matter what may befall me,
let me never lose my zest for life
or my appreciation of this beautiful world
that you have created and made available to me.

blue butterfly

Keep ever before my eyes the glory of being alive,
the wondrous freshness of each new day,
and the magnificence of the creatures around us
as they sing your praises by their very being.

Do not let me focus on my own troubles
and remain blind to life's wonders.
Teach me how to take time each day
to thank you for all your gifts to us,
singing your glory with all your creatures
in union with your Son, Jesus Christ.

To find happiness

Choose to be happy

  • Use your prayer plan to spend time with Jesus
  • A friend of mine chooses to be unhappy by always going over his broken marriage... he won’t let go of the past
  • Another friend chooses to be happy by thanking God each morning for the good things in his life... he is living in the present

Learn to be strong and to say “No” to people and to behaviors that pull you down...

  • Don’t trade long term gain for short term pleasure
  • Practice self-discipline even when it is difficult

Let nothing disturb you or take away your trust in God

  • Be slow to anger and quick to forgive as Jesus taught us
  • Find real happiness by helping others... this is what Jesus commands us to do
Prayer and faith help us to realize that hopelessness... unhappiness... is a choice that we can change... if we pray and work at it.

pope francis

10 happiness tips from Pope Francis

  1. "Live and let live."
  2. "Be giving of yourself to others."
  3. "Proceed calmly" in life.
  4. Have "a healthy sense of leisure."
  5. "Sunday is for family."
  6. Be "creative" with young people and find innovative ways to create dignified jobs.
  7. Respect and take care of nature.
  8. Stop being negative. "Letting go of negative things quickly is healthy," he said.
  9. "The worst thing of all is religious proselytism, which paralyzes."
  10. Work for peace. "We are living in a time of many wars," he said. "The call for peace must be shouted."  

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