Reach out to someone who is feeling bad

praying together

When someone is feeling bad, ask what is bothering them. Listen without judging.

Ask if you can pray with them... “I can see that you are troubled. May I pray with you?”

Holding the person’s hand or placing your hand on their shoulder can bring a sense of coming together before God.

Tell them that, “God loves you very much and His power can overcome your problems.”

You may decide to say the Our Father with them.

Then you could say something like, “Holy Spirit please come and help (name) who is carrying a heavy burden. There is sadness in their life and they need Your help.”

You may decide to end by saying something like: “Jesus, I know that You will help (name). Lord, we will love and praise You all the days of our life.”

Our primary task is not to solve their problems or give medical advice, but to bring Jesus into the center of their problems. If they need material help and you can aid them, do what you can.

December 25th—Happy Birthday Jesus

We all enjoy an unexpected gift. When Jesus helps us, it is like receiving one. Here are gifts you can give Jesus...

Donate to your church, food bank, or charity.

In many families there are members who need some financial help. A gift is wiser than a no interest loan.

Many churches need donations to cover heating and outreach expenses… and volunteers are needed.

Look for opportunities to praise, encourage and help others. This is never out of season.

Try to rebuild damaged or neglected relationships… especially your spouse, children and any ex.

Daily prayer and Church attendance will strengthen your relationship with Jesus.

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