For this spiritual law, we give You thanks
You have made for us this law:
that the effect of what comes to us from without
should depend on what we are like within.
Thus no external misfortune will overcome us
if we restrain the vices inside us.
No public disgrace will overwhelm us
if we resist our own disgraceful desires.
No outward disturbance will daunt us
if our intentions are pure.
No enemy can rob us of our peace
if our hearts are fixed on You.
No one can do more harm to us than we do to ourselves;
and as soon as we master ourselves,
everything else loses its power to hurt us.
The Leonine Sacramentary
5th Century
O God, who divides the day from the night, separate our deeds from the darkness of sin, and let us continually live in Your light, reflecting in all that we do Your eternal beauty.
O God, who gives the day for work and the night for sleep, refresh our bodies and our minds through the quiet hours of night, and let our inward eyes be directed towards You, dreaming of Your eternal glory.
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